Sunday, June 15, 2014

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Speaking of which, Dave picked up a zombie from the ground breaking tuǐ, take a big bite in the mouth piece of meat down in the expression of all the facial muscles twitching middle : Do not be surprised, I eat on the ground. These cute little flesh is very fragrant...... if ray ban uk like, you can try...... ah, where was I ? Yes, nuts are a corpse, I collect them together, cheap ray bans see, is that these ! Hear the sound coming from a small road, I'll push past the body of a nut.

Ha ha ha...... Dave shaking his head a few times, the top in a pan head shaking back and forth, and he laughed, neighbors, and rest assured, Crazy Dave is not no way ! But before that, fake ray bans go first house, and so here I am, after eating this delicious meat tuǐ will tell cheap ray bans what to do. After saying so, this guy again from the zombies off tuǐ, bit off a large piece of meat, with jagged teeth to chew up rotten. Wang Ling, who is not interested to stay in this, see Dave zombies eat flesh, affordability challenge in mind, have occupied large tracts of open space bypasses nuts heap, to the dream of space before setting houses stronghold.

There was short on both sides of the yard 's wooden fence, front door and back door directions, one pair of forward hospital road, one of the backyard creek. And the game is somewhat different : Whether the house, yard or creek, relatively large range, a house occupied the area enough to have a villa, there are thousands of square feet plus patio, plants if planted battle, then the number of will be far beyond the game. As keepers of the house known as Dave, cheap ray bans stick to the place, actually has a side yard fence obscured...... zombies by instinct, not much intelligence, but also to find the way forward, if not a large-scale coach usa influx of zombies, completely blocking living in a big road, absolutely impossible to have a zombie will come from the side.


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