Thursday, October 16, 2014

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Most of the time in China's history of political,ray ban outlet, economic and cultural center in Henan,ray ban sunglasses outlet, Henan capital of a dynasty, the Xia Dynasty in China starting from history, there have been Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty ( a week Luo Yi ), the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Western Han Dynasty ( early ), more than 20 Eastern Han dynasties, Wei and Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, Wu Zhou, later Liang, later Tang Dynasty, Jin, Han, Zhou Dynasty, Song and gold in Henan capital. Eight ancient capitals in China, Henan province accounted for four, respectively, Xia and Shang ancient capital of Zhengzhou, Anyang providers are thirteen and seven ancient capital of Luoyang, Kaifeng.

Henan is a traditional big agricultural province and populous,cheap ray bans, but also large emerging economies province and industrial province. Henan Province in 2009 over 1000 billion kilograms of grain production, ranking first in the country for ten years, not only solved the problem of feeding the first in Henan this populous country, and the year to support the redeployment of some 300 tons of grain from other provinces ; Henan 2008 GDP reached 1.840778 trillion, ranking fifth in the country continuously for nearly a decade, second only to Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the per capita GDP ranked 17th in the country, has become an emerging economic province ; recent years, Henan from weak to strong, 2007 industrial profits leapt to the fourth over, Zhejiang, Henan ranked among the overall strength of the first camp, into a new industrial province ; Henan highway mileage and railway traffic mileage ranks first in the country, and therefore many cities in Henan and become an important transportation hub ; Zhengzhou commodity Exchange is China's first futures exchange, is one of the country's three futures exchanges, Zhengzhou price is formed by its main reference in the world of wheat, cotton and sugar and other commodities one price.In more than 90 countries around the world have branches of international organizations - the International Miss Tourism, has identified the headquarters from New York to Zhengzhou. After a long bus journey time of up to two days, Xu Feng and Han Meng finally arrived from Hefei, Zhengzhou Automotive successful tourist bus terminus. Journey plain boring, and did not encounter on television frequently reported pickpocket thieves and the like, so that was prepared to make a good showing for a Han Meng disappointed, and finally had to marvel sentence, the quality of the people is getting higher and higher !

From last night until now did not just eat, already hungry stomach growling, there will be no further decline, not to mention the Han Meng 's home, he 's supposed to do the honors. Two, I ask what cheap ray ban Sunglasses points ? Sit down at the table near the window, politely ask the waiter approached immediately. The ray ban sunglasses outlet This delicious signature dishes have come a, not too much, twenty dishes on it, too fit. Oh, come back two bottles of red wine a good point, slightly hot ! Han Meng recipes do not look directly shouted.


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